About this blog...

I have read a lot of conflicting material on the subject of the Sabbath and the Lord's Day and because of this I have decided to start my own historical research. I am going back and reading as many historical references as I can find in their original context. This blog will be a summery of what I find.

The Basic Guidelines that I Will Be Following:
- I will not take any quotes out of context.
- I will try to categorize by place and date.
- I will try my best to only post clearly documented material. Where this is not possible, I will not post the material or else I will make it clear that the
material's authenticity is questionable.
- I will keep my personal assumptions to a minimum.

Points of Interest to Me:
- The early Christian church view of Saturday as the Sabbath and Sunday as the Lord's Day.
- The early Celtic church and Saturday Sabbath observance.
- The Roman Catholic Church's claim to have changed the Saturday Sabbath to Sunday.
- The Eastern Orthodox church and how it distinguished between "the Sabbath" (Saturday) and "the Lord's
day" (Sunday).
- The dynamics between modern Christians with different perspectives on this subject.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Canon LVI.

Canon LVI.

We have likewise learned that in the regions of Armenia and in other
places certain people eat eggs and cheese on the Sabbaths and Lord's
days of the holy lent. It seems good therefore that the whole Church
of God which is in all the world should follow one rule and keep the
fast perfectly, and as they abstain from everything which is killed, so
also should they from eggs and cheese, which are the fruit and produce
of those animals from which we abstain. But if any shall not observe
this law, if they be clerics, let them be deposed; but if laymen, let
them be cut off.


Ancient Epitome of Canon LVI.

Armenians eat eggs and cheese on the Sabbaths in Lent. It is
determined that the whole world should abstain from these. If not let
the offender be cast out.

Van Espen.

This canon shows that the ancient Greeks, although they did not fast on
the Sabbaths and Lord's days of Lent, nevertheless they abstained on
them from flesh food; and it was believed by them that abstinence from
flesh food involved also necessarily abstinence from all those things
which have their origin from flesh. This also formerly was observed by
the Latins in Lent, and in certain regions is known still to be the

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